
In Loving Memory of Michael Jackson-King of Pop

There were songs and tears, but Michael Jackson’s memorial was a spiritual ceremony that reached back for the essence of the man.

A choir sang "Hallelujah, hallelujah, going to see the King"

Smokey Robinson reading statements from Jackson’s close friend Diana Ross - "Michael was part of the fabric of my life" - and then Nelson Mandela - "Be strong."
Paris made the first public statement of her 11 years:"Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine," she said, dissolving into tears and turning to lean on her aunt Janet. "And I just wanted to say I love him so much." And His little son Prince wiped away tears. Then the Reverend Lucious W. Smith gave a greeting.
Mariah Carey and Trent Lorenz sang a duet of the Jackson 5 hit "I'll be there" Lionel Richie belted the gospel song "Jesus Is Love".

Queen Latifah read a poem and Berry Gordy called Jackson "the greatest entertainer who ever lived".
Other celebrity participants included Jennifer Husdon, Stevie Wonder, Usher, Martin Luther King III, Kobe Bryant, John Mayer, and Brooke Shields. Reverend Al Sharpton rode the moment, building to a crescendo. "There wasn't nothing strange about your daddy,” he said later, addressing Jackson's three children in the front row."It was strange what your daddy had to deal with!”
It was a spiritual and mournful service celebrating the life of the man who revolutionized pop music and whose musical legacy will live on.
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